
This core module contains several helper methods for the Uuid class, like timestamp, variant, version.

Generating UUID5 using hash

kotlinx-uuid provides the ability to generate uuids by hashing names (Only SHA-1 is supported at the moment).

val appNamespace = Uuid.parse("my-app-uuid")
val agentId = Uuid.generateUuid(appNamespace, "agentId")

The other alternative is to generate Uuid by hashing bytes (similar to java.util.UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes).

val uuid = Uuid.generateUUID(bytes)

Note that unlike java.util.UUID, kotlinx's generateUUID doesn't support MD5, so the blind migration from Java to kotlin-uud may lead to changing UUIDs.

UUID7 Draft

This library contains experimental support for UUIDv7 according to this draft IETF.

val unixTimestamp = 42 // 48 bit
val uuid = UUIDv7(unixTimestamp)
uuid.unixTimeStamp // 42

UUIDv7 with the current timestamp using Clock.System can be created using:

val uuid = UUIDv7(random = Random)

When processing existing UUIDv7s, the timestamp bits can be interpreted as an Instant with millisecond precision using:


Serializing (kotlinx.serialization)

There is also a binary serializers for Uuid. This additional serializer is useful for binary formats. Because they are not human-readable, and it's possible to reduce size.

val bytes = Protobuf.encodeToByteArray(BinarySerializer, uuid)

This core module contains several helper methods for the Uuid class, like timestamp, variant, version.

Generating UUID5 using hash

kotlinx-uuid provides the ability to generate uuids by hashing names (Only SHA-1 is supported at the moment).

val appNamespace = Uuid.parse("my-app-uuid")
val agentId = Uuid.generateUuid(appNamespace, "agentId")

The other alternative is to generate Uuid by hashing bytes (similar to java.util.UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes).

val uuid = Uuid.generateUUID(bytes)

Note that unlike java.util.UUID, kotlinx's generateUUID doesn't support MD5, so the blind migration from Java to kotlin-uud may lead to changing UUIDs.

UUID7 Draft

This library contains experimental support for UUIDv7 according to this draft IETF.

val unixTimestamp = 42 // 48 bit
val uuid = UUIDv7(unixTimestamp)
uuid.unixTimeStamp // 42

UUIDv7 with the current timestamp using Clock.System can be created using:

val uuid = UUIDv7(random = Random)

When processing existing UUIDv7s, the timestamp bits can be interpreted as an Instant with millisecond precision using:


Serializing (kotlinx.serialization)

There is also a binary serializers for Uuid. This additional serializer is useful for binary formats. Because they are not human-readable, and it's possible to reduce size.

val bytes = Protobuf.encodeToByteArray(BinarySerializer, uuid)


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