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This serializer is useful with binary formats to reduce size. You may also use it with text formats like json, but it is not that useful (because there will be no size gain) and a serialized Uuid is not human-readable.

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data object UuidParceler : Parceler<Uuid>


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13-bits non-negative number representing a sequence number or a random number depending on Uuid version and variant.

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Uuid variant specified and documented by the RFC

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Node Uuid part, a 48-bit non-negative number. Depending on version and variant it could be one of the following:

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A 60-bits non-negative number. Depending on the Uuid version it could have different semantics:

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The Uuidv7 48 bit big-endian unsigned number of Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds

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Uuid variant in range [0..7], similar to version

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Uuid numeric version in range [0..15]

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Uuid numeric version in range [0..15]


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fun Uuid.Companion.from(versionNumber: Int, timeStamp: Long, clockSequence: Int, node: Long, variant: Int = 5): Uuid

Creates an instance of Uuid from components

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Generates a Uuid instance by input bytes applying SHA-1. It doesn't use any random source, so it will produce the same result for the same input values.

fun Uuid.Companion.generateUuid(namespace: Uuid, name: String): Uuid

Generates a Uuid instance by namespace and name applying SHA-1. It doesn't use any random source, so it will produce the same result for the same input values.

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Check the spec string to conform to Uuid

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Generates a random Uuid v4 using this Random instance.

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Generates a random Uuid v4 using the specified random source.

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toKotlinUuid(): <Error class: unknown class>

Converts this NSUUID value to a Uuid value by using the platform.Foundation.NSUUID.UUIDString representation.

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toNsUUID(): <Error class: unknown class>

Converts this Uuid value to a NSUUID value by using the default kotlin.uuid.Uuid.toString representation.

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Convert this String to a Uuid, or throws a IllegalArgumentException if this is a malformed Uuid.

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Convert this String to a Uuid, or returns null if this is a malformed Uuid.

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fun Uuidv7(timeStamp: Long, random: Random): Uuid

An Uuidv7 implementation according to the draft.