
This is a fork from https://github.com/cy6erGn0m/kotlinx-uuid, released under Apache 2.

The main implementation was thankfully provided by Sergey Mashkov (cy6erGn0m)!

kotlinx-uuid is a multiplatform (MPP) Kotlin library introducing support for UUID.

The main class UUID is serializable out of the box, so the library depends on kotlinx.serialization. If you don't need serialization, you don't need to apply the plugin.

Supported platforms are jvm, js(IR) and all tier 1, 2 and 3 native targets.


This package is uploaded to mavenCentral.

repositories {

dependencies {

All modules:

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This core module contains the serializable UUID class.

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Exposed is an ORM framework for Kotlin. It has support for java.util.UUID, but to get kotlin-uuid supported you need to include the corresponding dependency and use DSL functions:

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SQLDelight uses column adapters for custom types, like this UUID. kotlinx-uuid-sqldelight provides two adapters, a UUIDStringAdapter for a String and a ByteArrayAdapter for a ByteArray representation respectively.